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Project context: SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) course project – 5th year of Computer Science Engineering studies at Polytech Nice Sophia

Date: October – November 2018

Role: Java Spring Developer, Software Architect


  • Johann Mortara (Apache Kafka Integration, Software Architect)
  • Alexis Couvreur (Java Spring Developer, Software Architect)


  • Java Spring (Services, API)
  • Apache Kafka (Software bus)
  • Git (Versioning)

Uberoo is the major project of the Software Oriented Architecture course I attended during my 5th year of Computer Science Engineering studies at Polytech Nice Sophia. The course was to initiate to service notion in software architecture as well as microservice architecture notion. The project itself consisted in a food delivery service, for which the entire service infrastructure had to be developed.

While justifying our architecture choices with several written reports, we decided to use the Spring framework based on Java to develop our services. We progressively transitioned to a microservice architecture by reducing the size of our services and by decoupling them as much as possible with the help of formalized messages transported from one point to another through a software bus (Kafka).