Tamaccessi (DeViNT)

Capture d'écran de Tamaccessi
Game Design
Game Design

Tamaccessi (DeViNT)

Genre: Virtual pet simulation

Project context: DeViNT projects from 3rd year of Computer Science Engineering studies at Polytech Nice Sophia

Plateform: Windows

Date: March – June 2017

Role: Game designer, Level Designer, Graphic Artist


  • Pierre-Emmanuel Novac (Gameplay developer for the virtual animal)
  • Maxime Moineau (Gameplay developer for the virtual animal)
  • Nasseredine Bajwa (Gameplay developer for the braille teaching mini-game)


  • Java + DeViNT engine (Gameplay)
  • Synfig Studio (Graphics)
  • FL Studio (Sound effects)

Award: Favorite game of students from the “École du Château” in Nice, France.

Tamaccessi is a virtual pet video game project targeting visually-impaired children. The goal is to meet the needs of their virtual pet (hunger, hygiene, fun) through time, so it can become an adult. This game was brought in the context of the DeViNT projects (Déficients Visuels et Nouvelles Technologies, literally Visually-Impaired and New Technologies) organized throughout third year of Computer Science Engineering studies at Polytech Nice Sophia, which aim at developing video games for visually-impaired children. The games had to be coded in Java with a specific engine provided by the teachers.

The main challenges were about handicap and accessibility related problems: pet's height, highlighting and feedback of performed actions… Tamaccessi ended up being elected as the École du Château students' favorite game, who were the main target of the project.